
Kayaking can be an almost magical experience: Gliding through the still, clear water, seeing life below you on the fjord bottom at the edge of the beach, getting close to the birds, and if you’re a little lucky, you can also experience porpoises frolicking in the water up close.

Rønshoved High School is beautifully located next to Flensburg Fjord, which is ideal for kayaking. We have the most beautiful nature with Okseøerne, which is only 2 km from the school. We will of course sail out to them. The fjord also offers bays and coves, which provide shelter from the wind and waves for tired kayakers. In addition, you can cross the border to the towering Holnæs Klint in South Schleswig.

We jump into the wetsuits and work more specifically with kayak techniques. On the kayak team, everyone must learn various capsizing and rescue techniques, which are necessary to be able to go out at sea. When the weather offers the highest waves, it’s the most fun, because then we go ‘surfing’ in the kayaks. In return, it provides some cool experiences and the opportunity for great trips on Flensburg Fjord. You are expected to be a good swimmer.

The class is seasonal. We therefore sail all we can from August until around the end of September. And again, weather permitting, from April until the end of the stay in mid-June.

In order to participate in sea kayaking, you must take and pass a swimming test at the school.

Did you know?

All morning assemblies or common classes at Rønshoved will be intrepeted to english!


Our courses vary between
2-10 months

Hans-Tyge Haarløv

Hans-Tyge Haarløv


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