Danish language

Danish for foreigners is the key to getting to know Denmark: Together we will take up the Danish language, both in terms of grammar and pronunciation (phonetics), but we will also talk together about Danish society and follow up on the day’s morning assembly, if there is a need to understand special concepts, such as ‘dannelse’, ‘hygge’ and ‘folkelig’, which are difficult to translate into English. We will also try to learn situational phrases, so that you can use the Danish with your fellow Danish students. Danish is a fun language that has its easy and difficult aspects, and it opens up the whole Nordic-Scandinavian world!

Did you know?

All morning assemblies or common classes at Rønshoved will be intrepeted to english!


Our courses vary between
2-10 months


Andre fag i Languages

English conversation

Here you practice your English through reading and writing exercises, and most importantly, conversation in English. In this class, you…

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